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Thread: Мигран Киракосян - восходящая звезда

  1. #8
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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    love you ...

  2. #9
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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    Избрав довольно таки распространенный танцевальный жанр,Мигран сумел создать свой собственный стиль,воспользовавшись всем тем ,что ему дали родители ,учителя и кумиры..И в этом - главный секрет его успеха .Ну а темы для танцев неисчерпаемы.Нужно всего навсего усвоить одну истину:в танце ,как в карате,важен синтез движений тела с интелектом.кстати,мигран больше 5 лет обучался этому восточному единоборству.
    love you ...

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    PusSycat (12 Nov 07), Мукик (11 Feb 10)

  4. #10
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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    Миграну Киракосяну 22 года .Он по-прежнему не преставляет свою жизнь без танца,но подумывает попробовать себя и на другом поприще,так как считает ,что в жизни слишком много интересного и нестоит остонавливаться на достигнутом.К тому же он прекрасно понимает,что рано или поздно придет новое покаление танцоров,которое будет энергичнее и интереснее даже самых лучших современных профессионалов.

    В ближайших планах артиста - карьера рэп-исполнителя.А возможно,и создание своей собственной танцевальной студии или агенства по раскрутке начинающих танцоров- ведь он сам когда-то прошел через это.

    Статья взята из журнала Ереван ноябрь 2007
    love you ...

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    PusSycat (12 Nov 07), Мукик (11 Feb 10)

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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    love you ...

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    PusSycat (12 Nov 07), Мукик (11 Feb 10)

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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    MTribe: Let's talk about your theatre workshop at Marshall High. It seems something that was somehow tailored for you, with all the different disciplines that had to do with stage and performances involved, that is probably also the kind of environment you were surrounded by in your early years.

    Mihran: The workshop was astonishing. It was my most favorite discipline, since I was not a big fan of homework, class work and reading. I befriended many kids like me and had a blast liberating my creative side. My teachers, Kevin Kane and Jackie Lopez, were very creative and inspiring. I looked up to them like mentors. When I look back, they had a lot to do with the person I have become.

    Mihran: I do have many special memories of the audition. I remember being confused because I thought for someone to get to be in the tour, they needed proper training in some type of Jazz or ballet. The whole time I thought that it was a matter of time before I would get cut. As for meeting Jamie King, I met him working with Britney Spears on her last promotional tour. Jamie King was kind enough to introduce me to Madonna on the set of Britney’s music video, "Me Against the Music."

    MTribe: Was Madonna among your favorite artists before having the chance to know her and work with her?

    Mihran: I never grew up listening to Madonna, but I always had her CD’s and video’s at my house, because my family is big fan of Madonna. After working with her I am one of her biggest fans. I dare someone to say S#$@ about her! lol

    Mihran: I guess the tour was the biggest challenge. Madonna is the hardest working artist that I have met. We rehearsed for 2 months Monday- Saturday form morning to night. She rehearsed as much as we did, even more.
    With Madonna, she loves to create something new every time and so she creates that challenge for herself and others to make each and every show bigger, better and unique.

    MTribe: How was life on the road during the re-Invention tour?

    Mihran: It was great. Everyone tried so hard to make everything comfortable and fun for us. Some of the dancers and I had been on tour with other artists before, but dancing for Madonna is quite different. We traveled by plane instead of a bus and we had plenty of time to go site seeing.

    MTribe: Can you describe a typical working day, and a day off?

    Mihran: On a day off the dancers would go off either site seeing or shopping.
    Our hotels were usually in very populated and popular places, which made it easier to have fun and see what the place has to offer.
    On a working day, we would wake up, eat and go to the venue for rehearsal.
    Like I said, Madonna is very hard working and we would rehearse before each and every show. We would then eat again, and start getting ready. While we were getting ready we would hear her crazy fans yell "Madonna" throughout the venue. After the show, we would either go and crash or would get together and go out.

    Mihran: The most difficult and memorable show was the one at the Slane Castle in Ireland.
    There were 80,000 fans in the freezing weather. It became even more difficult when it started to rain on stage. However, the rush of the danger involved and the 80,000 fans made it worthwhile and possibly the most incredible show we had done.

    MTribe: Do you have a favorite number in the Re-Invention tour show?

    Mihran: I would have to say "Music," because it is one of the numbers I felt the most comfortable in. It was more of my style and allowed me to add my creative side by free styling.

    MTribe: And which was the hardest one to rehearse and perform?

    Mihran: Probably, "Express Yourself and Vogue".

    In "Express Yourself" we had to learn how to do routines with rifles which took a good period of time in rehearsal.

    In "Vogue" - I have never Vogued in my life, lol. I didn’t even know what Vogue was. At first I was having a hard time learning the unique body posture the number required.
    I was not confident in the number until my friend Zack told me, "If you look gay, then you are doing it right." You be the judge!

    The audience is responsible for creating that amazing energy. I loved her performance "Like a Prayer." It is one of my favorite songs and the crowd was just mesmerized for a good 5 minutes.

    : Do you think that being on stage with Madonna at the Live8 and being watched by millions of people at a time was a sort of extra push for your career? I would say that the performance added something more to the image we all had of "Mihran from the re-Invention tour"...

    Mihran: I do very much think that. So many people recognized me and made sure to e-mail me and let me know how great the performance was.

    MTribe: Let's talk about the "Hung Up" video, that I guess was your first time on the set of a Madonna video. How was that experience like? How was working with director Johan Renck like?
    Mihran: I also did "Me Against The Music" with Madonna, but this was my first video for her. It was cool, and we had fun.
    It was the first time Cloud and I met the new dancers of the promo tour. Once again we got to incorporate a lot of our creativity in the video.
    It was fun to see how the project turned out.
    Johan is very tall and friendly, lol. He was a fun person to be around. He would always crack a joke or two after every take.

    Mihran: The show at the G.A.Y Club was craziest, because the fans were out of control - screaming, yelling and throwing things.

    : You've been working with Jamie King on the Madonna tour, the video and the promotion for the new album, but you also recently worked with him in the Nike Rock Star Workout. How was this experience for you and how is working with Jamie?

    : I think that Jamie is one of the greatest and most interesting people I have ever met. I have learned a lot from Jamie and still do. It is like he is a genius. He can stand in front of the stage and it is like he can see exactly what is going to work and what is not. At the same time he is the most awesome and down to earth person you will ever meet.
    He can use whatever is given to him and can still create the craziest show, with unique and unforgettable dancing.

    MTribe: Did your experience working with her change the opinion you had of her as an artist and as a human being?

    : Ya, she is one of the coolest and smartest people. She loves to create challenges for people and it seems that she always creates a challenge for herself as well. Beneath the "Queen" image she is a wonderful mother, wife and friend. I have also learned that she is very educated and can talk to you on any subject for hours.

    MTribe: How has your career changed after working with Madonna?

    Mihran: I have grown so much since working with her. Like I mentioned before, since I came into this world of entertainment so young, I have learned so much from Jamie and Madonna by watching them work and do what they do best.

    MTribe: What did this experience bring to your personally?
    Mihran: I have become more persistent in obtaining the future I intend. I have learned that the impossible can happen by working harder and challenging yourself.

    MTribe: There are talks of a 2006 tour, Madonna said she's thinking of it but a final decision has not been taken yet. Would you like to be asked to join her on tour again?

    Mihran: Oh absolutely. I know weather I am on the show of not, if she decides to do another tour, it will be new and miraculous. I do, however, hope that I will be able to join her yet again.

    MTribe: Let's talk about the latest Madonna album. What do you think of her "Confessions" and do you like the idea of having a non-stop all dance album?

    Mihran: I thought it was great that she went back to her roots and did a dance album.She is great at getting people on the dance floor. Stuart Price and Madonna did a great job writing and producing the album.

    MTribe: You have been in Japan with Madonna when she returned there for the first time after 12 years, how was it like?

    Mihran: First I want to say, I loved Japan. She has some crazy fans in Japan. Japanese people are so kind, respectful and interesting. The shows were great, as we expected.

    MTribe: Mihran, thanks so much for this interview. We wish you all the best and hope to see you on the road with Madonna very soon!

    Более подробно о Мигране можно узнать вот ТУТ
    love you ...

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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    посетите его сайт советую,очень интересные фотки))
    и еслли можно перенесите комментарии,чтобы были после статьи,если возможно,заранее спосибо )
    И да Ай если хочешь перенеси в Музыку ...
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  10. #14
    Sos mi vida ♡ VIP Ultra Club PusSycat's Avatar
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    Ответ: ТЕЛО движения

    Ам, комментарии перенести нельзя, можно только удалить и заново написать, думаю это ни к чему)
    Тему перенесу в музыку)
    Для того, чтобы быть красивой, женщине достаточно иметь черный свитер, черную юбку и идти под руку с мужчиной, которого она любит.

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