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Рок-н-ролл жив Dior
Барашковая куртка, джинсы, очки и сапоги, все — Dior by John Galliano; топ из люрекса и шарф с бахромой, Gucci;
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Храбрый портняжка Fendi
Кожаный жакет, хлопковая блузка, шерстяные брюки стретч, пояс и ботильоны, все — Fendi.
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Бронзовая миниатюра Gucci
Жилет из меха лисы с позолоченной цепью, мини-платье из джерси, сумочка на наручнике, все — Gucci; колготки, Calzedonia
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Плащ-невидимка Maxmara
Твидовая накидка с капюшоном и леггинсы из эластичного хлопка, MaxMara; шапка из меха лисы, Givenchy; ботильоны, Gucci.
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Ночной дозор Yves Saint Laurent
Мини-платье из шерстяного крепа с металлической отделкой, пояс и ботильоны, все — Yves Saint Laurent; колготки, Calzedonia. На нем: пальто из норки, Giorgio
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Снежная буря Jean Paul Gaultier
Шелковый тренч и вязаное платье с бахромой, Jean Paul Gaultier. На нем: норковая куртка, Fendi; пиджак, Vivienne Westwood; джемпер и кожаные брюки, DSquared2; пояс, Dolce & Gabbana; сапоги, Prada.
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Городские джунгли Roberto Cavalli
Тренч с набивным рисунком, с вставками из хлопка и кожи и воротником из меха лисы, кожаный пояс и сапоги, все — Roberto Cavalli. На нем: пальто с набивным рисунком, брюки, портфель
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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