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Thread: Армянские Церкви и Монастыри

  1. #78
    Вредный Армян VIP Ultra Club HayArtsiv's Avatar
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    Armenian Churches in Asia


    Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth (Apostolic) (Calcutta)
    Sourp Krikor Armenian Apostolic Church (Calcutta)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzine Armenian Apostolic Church (Madras)
    Sourp Bedros Armenian Apostolic Church (Mumbai-Bombay)


    St. Thaddeus Vank (Aderbadagan, Iran)
    Sourp Stepanos Nakhavega (Tavriz, near St. Thaddeus Vank).
    Sourp Sarkis Vank (Orumieh, Iran)
    Sourp Sarkis Mother Church (Tehran, Iran)
    Sourp Asdvatzatzin Church (St. Mary) (Nadery st., Tehran)
    Sourp Kevork Church (Tehran)
    St. Vartanantz Apostolic Church (Sartarabad, Teheran)
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church (Zeitoun, Teheran)
    Sourp Tarkmantchatz (Holy Translators) Armenian Apostolic Church (Sassoun, Teheran)
    Sourp Tatyos - Partoghomyos Armenian Apostolic Church (Teheran)
    Sourp Amenapergitch Church and Armenian Prelacy (New Julfa)
    Sourp Gadarine Armenian Apostolic Church (Charsou, New Julfa)
    Sourp Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Stepanos Armenian Apostolic Church (Hagopjan, New Julfa)
    Sourp Hovannes Megerditch Armenian Apostolic Church (Charsou, New Julfa)
    Sourp Minas Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Nercess Armenian Apostolic Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Krikor Lousavoritch Armenian Apostolic Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Hagop Armenian Apostolic Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Petghehem (Bethlehem) Armenian Apostolic Church (New Julfa)
    Sourp Nigoghayos Hayrabed (New Julfa)
    Sourp Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church (Tabriz)
    St. John's Central Evangelical Church (Teheran)
    Hokeshountch Armenian Evangelical Church (Teheran)
    Shnorhali Armenian Evangelical Church (Teheran)


    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church (Younis al Sabaawi Square, Baghdad)
    Armenian Catholic Archbishopric Church and the Convent of Ste. Anne Sisters of Immaculate Conception (Karrada al Sharkia, Baghdad)
    Armenian Apostolic Independet Evangilc church (Al-kader -Baghdad)

    Israel & Palestine

    St. James (Sourp Hagopyants) Cathedral - The Jerusalem Patriarchate (Armenian Quarter, Jerusalem)
    Armenian Patriachate of Jerusalem[1] ( - Heart of the Armenian Quarter
    Armenian Catholic Church and Patriarchal Vicar (Via Dolorosa 41 (Fourth Station), Jerusalem)
    Holy Sepulchre -Armenian/Greek/Roman (Jerusalem)
    Church of the Nativity -Armenian/Greek/Roman (Bethlehem)
    St. Elias Church (Haifa)
    St. Nicolas Armenian Apostolic Church (Jaffa)
    St. Gregory Monastery (Ramleh)


    St. Thaddeus Armenian Apostolic Church (Amman)
    Armenian Catholic Parish (Djebel Achrafie, Amman)


    Sourp Krikor Lousavoritch Mayr Dajar Gatoghigosaran Medzi Danen Guiligio (Antelias, Lebanon)
    Armenian Apostolic Archbishopric of Lebanon and St. Nichan Armenian Orthodox Church (Downtown Beirut)
    Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Eparchy and the Armenian Catholic Church of the Annonciation (Achrafieh, Jetawi, Beirut)
    Armenian Catholic Church and the Convent of Bzommar (Bzommar, Lebanon)
    St. Elie-St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Catholic Cathedral, (Debbas Square, Downtown Beirut)
    Sourp Hagop Armenian Apostolic Church (Jetawi, Achrafieh, Beirut)
    Sourp Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church (Hadjin, Mar Mikhael, Beirut)
    Armenian Apostolic Church of the Assomption (Khalil Badaoui, Beirut)
    Armenian Apostolic Church of the Assomption (Jounieh, Kesrouan, Lebanon)
    Forty Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church (Marash, Bourj Hammoud)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church (Adana, Bourj Hammoud)
    St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church (Tiro, Bourj Hammoud)
    St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church (Sis, Bourj Hammoud)
    St. Saviour Armenian Catholic Church (Bourj Hammoud)
    St. Cross Armenian Catholic Church (Zalka)
    Our Lady of Fatima Armenian Catholic Church (Hoch el Zaraani, Zahle, Beqaa)
    Our Lady of the Rosary Armenian Catholic Church (Ainjar, Beqaa)
    First Armenian Evangelical Church (Kantari, Beirut)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Achrafieh, Beirut)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Nor Marash, Bourj Hammoud)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Amanos, Bourj Hammoud)
    Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church (Mar Mikhael, Beirut )
    Sourp Boghos Armenian Apostolic Church (Ainjar, Bekaa)
    Sourp Hokekaloust Armenian Apostolic Church (Tripoli, North Lebanon)
    Sourp Maryam Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church and Zarehian Tebrevank (Bickfaya, Metn)

    Myanmar (Burma)

    Armenian Apostolic Church of St. John the Baptist (Rangoon)


    Surp Krikor Lousavoritch Armenian Church of Singapore[2] ( - First Church ever built in Singapore.


    Sourp Karasnitz Mangants Mayr Yegeghetsi (Aleppo)
    Sourp Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church (Aleppo)
    Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church[3] ( (Aleppo)
    Armenian Evangelical Bethel Church (Aleppo)
    Armenian Catholic Archbishopric and Notre-Dame des Dons Armenian Catholic Cathedral (Tilel, Aleppo)
    St. Vartan Armenian Catholic Church of the Jesuit (Order, Meydan, Aleppo)
    Ste. Barbe - St. Saviour Armenian Catholic Church (Suleymaniyye, Aleppo)
    Holy Trinity Armenian Catholic Church (Zvartnotz) (Meydan Square, Aleppo)
    St. Cross Armenian Catholic Church (Ourouba Square, Aleppo)
    Fransiscan Church of Latin Armenians (also convent) (Suleymaniyye, Aleppo)
    Sourp Krikor Louisavorich Yegeghetsi (Meidan, Aleppo)
    Sourp Asdvatzatzna Yegeghetsi (Seiraphi, Aleppo)
    Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate and Notre-Dame Church of the Universe (Bab Touma, Damascus)
    St. Michel Armenian Catholic Church (Kessab)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church (Kessab)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Kessab)
    Armenian Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception (Djebel, Sayde)
    St. Martyrs Armenian Catholic Church (Rakka)
    St. Joseph Armenian Catholic Church (Kamichli)
    Ste. Famille Armenian Catholic Church (Hassake)
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Catholic Church (Deir Zor)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church (Latakia)
    St. Anna (Yakubie)
    St. Hripsime (Yakubie)


    Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople[4] (
    Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Patriarchal Church (Kumkapi, Istanbul)
    St. Mary Armenian Catholic Church (Beyoglu, Istanbul)
    St. Jean Chrisostomus Armenian Catholic Church (Taksim, Istanbul)
    St. Leon Armenian Catholic Church (Kadikoy, Istanbul)
    Armenian Catholic Church of Immaculate Conception (Koca Mustafa Pacha, Istanbul)
    St. Saviour Armenian Catholic Church (Karakoy, Istanbul)
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Catholic Church (Ortakoy, Istanbul)
    St. Paul Armenian Catholic Church (Buyukdere, Istanbul)
    St. John the Baptist Armenian Catholic Church (Yenikoy, Istanbul)
    Assumption Armenian Catholic Church (Buyukada, Istanbul)
    St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church (Vakif, Hatay)
    St. George Armenian Church (Samatya, Istanbul)
    St. James Armenian Church (Altimermer, Istanbul)
    St. Sergius Armenian Chapel (Balikli, Istanbul)
    Holy Resurrection Armenian Church (Kumkapi, Istanbul)
    St. John The Evangelist Armenian Church (Gedikpasa, Istanbul)
    Saints Thaddeus and Barholomew Armenian Church (Yenikapi, Istanbul)
    St. John The Evangelist Armenian Church (Narlikapi, Istanbul)
    St. Nicholas Armenian Church (Topkapi, Istanbul)
    St. Saviour Armenian Chapel (Yedikule, Istanbul)
    Holy Nativity of the Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Bakirkoy, Istanbul)
    St. Stephen Armenian Church (Yesilkoy, Istanbul)
    Holy Archangels Armenian Church (Balat, Istanbul)
    St. Elijah The Prophet Armenian Church (Eyup, Istanbul)
    Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Eyup, Istanbul)
    St. Stephen Armenian Church (Karakoy, Istanbul)
    Saint Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Karakoy, Istanbul)
    Holy Trinity Armenian Church (Galatasaray, Istanbul)
    Holy Resurrection Armenian Chapel (Taksim, Istanbul)
    Saints Vartanants Armenian Church (Ferikoy, Istanbul)
    Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Besiktas, Istanbul)
    Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Ortakoy, Istanbul)
    Armenian Church of the Apparition of the Holy Cross (Kurucesme, Istanbul)
    Saint Santoukht Armenian Church (Hisar, Istanbul)
    Holy Three Youths Armenian Church (Boyacikoy, Istanbul)
    Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Yenikoy, Istanbul)
    Holy Hripsimiants Virgins Armenian Church (Buyukdere, Istanbul)
    Christ The King Armenian Church (Kadikoy, Istanbul)
    Holy Cross Armenian Church (Selamsiz, Uskudar, Istanbul)
    Saint John the Forerunner Armenian Church (Baglarbasi, Uskudar, Istanbul)
    St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Kuzguncuk, Istanbul)
    The Twelve Holy Apostles Armenian Church (Kandilli, Istanbul)
    St. Nicholas Armenian Church (Beykoz, Istanbul)
    Holy Cross Armenian Church (Kartal, Istanbul)
    St. Gregory The Enlightener (Kinaliada, Istanbul)
    St. Gregory The Enlightener Armenian Church (Kayseri)
    A. St. Giragos Armenian Church (Diyarbakir)
    St. Sergius Armenian Church
    St. James Armenian Chapel
    St. George Armenian Church (Derik, Mardin)
    Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastea Armenian Church (Iskenderun, Hatay)
    St. Gregory The Enligtener Armenian Church (Kirikhan)
    Holy Mother-of-God Armenian Church (Vakiflikoy, Samandag, Hatay)
    Narlikapi Armenian Apostolic Church (Narlikapi, Istanbul)
    Sourp Stepanos Armenian Apostolic Church (Yesilkoy, Istanbul)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church (Bakirkoy, Istanbul)
    Sourp Takavor Armenian Apostolic Church (Kadekoy, Istanbul)
    Sourp Vartanants (Ferikoy)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzine (Besiktas, Istanbul)
    Sourp Hovannes Megerditch (Sgudar)
    Sourp Khatch (Sgudar)
    Sourp Kevork (Samatya, Istanbul)
    Sourp Krikor Lousavoritch (Ghalatya, Istanbul)
    Sourp Yerrortutyoun (Pera, Istanbul)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Pera, Istanbul)
    Sourp Krikor Lousavoritch (Kinali Island)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Gedik Pasha, Istanbul)

    The first Arm. Evangelical Congregation in the world

    United Arab Emirates (UAE)

    St. Gregory the illuminator Church - Al Yarmook, Sharjah
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    Armenian Churches in Africa


    Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate (Alexandria)
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church (Alexandria)
    Armenian Catholic Patriarchate (Alexandria)
    Armenian Evangelical Church (Alexandria)
    Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate (Cairo)
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church (Cairo)
    Armenian Catholic Patriarchate and the Church of the Assumption (Cairo)
    Ste. Therese Armenian Catholic Church (Heliopolis)


    St. Kevork Armenian Apostolic Church (Addis Ababa)


    St. Gregory the Armenian Church (Khartoum)

    Armenian Church (Mbabane) (note: located on the Krikor Derbalian property)
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  3. #80
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    Armenian Churches in Oceania


    Holy Resurrection Armenian Apostolic Church (Sydney NSW)
    Armenian Evangelical Church of Sydney (Willoughby, Sydney, Australia)
    Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Apostolic Church (Melbourne)
    St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic Church ( (Melbourne)
    Holiest Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Armenian Catholic Church ( (Melbourne)
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  4. #81
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    The Armenian Church usually refers to the Armenian Apostolic Church, named because of its establishment by two of the Apostles, Bartholomew and Thaddeus. The Supreme Spiritual and Administrative leader of the Armenian Church is His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, who is the worldwide spiritual leader of the Nation, for Armenians both in Armenia and dispersed throughout the world. The spiritual and administrative headquarters of the Armenian Church, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, located in the city of Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia, was established in 301 AD. Both clergy and lay are involved in today’s administrative structure of the Church. Led by His Holiness, Karekin II, the spiritual and administrative work of the Armenian Church is carried out in the Republic of Armenia in the areas of Religion, Preparation of Clergy, Christian Education, Construction of new Churches, Social Services, and Ecumenical activities. Underneath this administrative structure are the hierarchal Sees:

    The Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia located in Antelias, Lebanon, is a regional See with current jurisdiction of the Dioceses of Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus as temporarily granted to her by the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 1929, led by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I.

    The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem which has jurisdiction over all of the Holy Lands and the Diocese of Jordan, led by His Beatitude Archbishop Torgom Manoogian.

    The Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople and All of Turkey, which has jurisdiction in the modern day Republic of Turkey led by His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob Mutafyan.

    The three historic aforementioned hierarchal sees administer to the Dioceses under their jurisdiction as they see fit, however, the supremacy of the Catholicosate of All Armenians in all spiritual matters remains pre-eminent.

    In addition to the responsibilities of overseeing their respective Dioceses, each hierarchical See, including the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, has a Monastic Brotherhood.

    There are also Armenian Catholic and Protestant Churches, which are well established in the Armenian Diaspora
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  5. #82
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    В армянском монастыре на берегу озера Исикул, возможно, найдена могила апостола Матфея

    Киргизские археологи уверены, что обнаружили могилу апостола Матфея в армянском монастыре, находящемся на берегу озера Исикул. Об этом в Бишкеке сообщил археолог Владимир Плоских.

    По его словам, этим летом руководимая им экспедиция провела раскопки на северо-восточном берегу озера Искул и обнаружила армянский монастырь, где, согласно карте XIV века, похоронен апостол Матфей.

    Согласно легенде, апостол Матфей умер по дороге в Грецию и в пути создал несколько христианских общин. Согласно документу, хранящемуся в Венеции, в месте под названием "Исикул" находится некий армянский монастырь, в котором похоронен апостол Матфей. Плоских, однако, считает, что для подтверждения факта нужны новые исследования. Об этом сообщает киргизская служба радиостанции "Свобода".

    Постоянный адрес новости:
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