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Originally Posted by иНь-яНь:)
я,конечно,ни на что не намекаю,просто так
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Originally Posted by иНь-яНь:)
Твоя любимая комедия?)
Комедия... их так много, "Отпетые мошенники".
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Originally Posted by иНь-яНь:)
любишь морских животных?
Лучше спроси - морепродукты.
Люблю, и то и другое.)
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
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Originally Posted by иНь-яНь:)
Можешь описать момент,который для тебя будет самым романтичным?
Будет? Почему будет? Может он уже и был?)
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck and the sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the Black Pearl really is, is FREEDOM...
Все мы ангелы с одним крылом и летать можем только обняв друг друга.