Амеры после бесед с французами в 2006ом были уверены, что после принятия Грузии в НАТО Армения последует за ней... Интересно, что ещё за 2 года до войны в Грузии они дискутировали вероятность конфликта-войны России против Грузии и необходимость исключить применение параграфа 5 устава НАТО относительно Грузии, если она станет членом НАТО и при войне НАТО объяано будет всупить в войну с Россией.
¶7. (C) Fried, noting he had discussed Georgia the previous evening with MFA Political Director Gerard Araud (septel), said it was important to support Georgian sovereignty against Russian pressure for three reasons: the situation overall in Georgia was improving under Saakashvili’s leadership; violation of Georgian territorial integrity would set a dangerous precedent; and Germany and Central and Eastern Europe had a strong interest in ensuring that gas and oil pumped from Azerbaijan and Central Asia did not travel exclusively through pipelines owned or controlled by Russia. MGM responded that France supported Georgia’s independence but wondered how to accomplish this within existing structures. The heart of NATO was Article 5, and it was doubtful that NATO would declare war on Russia over Georgia; it was therefore important to bypass Article 5 and find a “specific way” that did not involve NATO membership. If Georgia joins, Armenia may follow. Even in the case of Turkey, was its Kurdish problem one for Europeans, MGM asked.