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Thread: Interview with Wilyem

  1. #8
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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    you have ask very good questions ...they make me think. three years ago I was on the web looking for eastern european women on dating sites. nothing serious because I am ten thousand miles away. Just looking. I found a site with many girls. Thousands! For three nights I went through hundreds of girls profiles. And, then I saw this one girl named Lusine from Uzbekistan. I didn't have the money to email her through the site so I googled her name and everything I saw told me about her. I just wanted to speak to her about her life and find out what her life was like. She was a member of a site called VIPARMENIA and I private messaged her and she was shocked that I found her. That is how I found the forum. That was december of 07'. I've been here ever since and then I met MUKIK who is a very special woman. She has two beautiful girls and I pray for her every day. I have no girl friend in many years because I am waiting for God to give me His choice for me....
    Дух один и тело одно так же, как и одна надежда, к которой вы были призваны.

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    brat_eu (23 Mar 10)

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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    how did you come to God?
    - Который час? - Лучшее время моей ЖИЗНИ-))!

  4. #10
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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    I was young and partied every night with many friends in Dallas Texas. I worked in a night club with movie stars who came in every night. I drank and partied every night and had many friends and girl friends. I had so much fun every day of my life. It was wonderful. I had a new sports car. I lived in the most exciting place in Dallas. I had so much money and nothing was out of my reach. I went to mexico to play on the weekends and traveled to other fun places. But, at night when I would lay on my bed I would be sad. Something was missing. I felt very lonely in my heart. I had everything I could want. But, still there was a hole in my being. I was afraid to die because the something I needed was ....God. I knew that He created me, but why? One night I was in much pain from drinking a lot. I thought..."what if I were to die tonight, where would I go?" . On the night stand by my bed was a Bible. I picked it up and began to read. It was very late and I was very tired and depressed. The book of Proverbs spoke of a "fool" and a "wise" man. I read it and kept seeing me only as the "fool". then I read the book of Luke. Jesus spoke a parable of a woman who swept her whole house looking for one lost coin. And then a man who went out to find one lost sheep out of a hundred. He found the sheep and the woman found the coin. Then, I realized the coin and the sheep is how God was seeing me. I got out of bed and got on my knees and ask God to save me from death. I told Him he could have my life. And I was so sad and sorry for the way I had lived my life unworthy of Him. Save me LORD and you can have my life. Never has anything in my life been the same since that night. He has lead me far away from that life. He really loves me and cares about every aspect of my life. The next morning I went to the refrigerator and poured out all my roommate I gave all my cigarettes. He gave me freedom from those things but also gave me a reason to live. Oh yeah, there was a lot of fun in all those years of partying and playing with girls....but, I am so much more happy and secure now. I wouldn't go back to those days for a trillion dollars and all the fame in the world.
    Дух один и тело одно так же, как и одна надежда, к которой вы были призваны.

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    a_grigory (22 Mar 10)

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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    when I fish it is a very special time I was at the sea of Galilee in Israel. I was thinking about many years ago when Jesus was there finding His disciples. He knew about fishing. He saw the nets, the fish that were caught and how much effort was spent just catching a few fish to make a little money. Fisherman are not wealthy men. He knew about fisherman. HE told Peter after fishing all night and catching nothing to go back out and put down the nets. Peter and the brothers caught more fish than they had every seen. When I fish I think of the LORD telling me where to let down my nets....but for a different catch now....
    Дух один и тело одно так же, как и одна надежда, к которой вы были призваны.

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  7. #12
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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    very interesting story...
    оf course God is great, but why go away from people far away to serve God?
    It is so like you hiding from the world...
    It seems to me that people come to god through sufferings...
    bible has reached us already many times the changed? maybe the bible is a beautiful fairy tale?
    - Который час? - Лучшее время моей ЖИЗНИ-))!

  8. #13
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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    when I am with young marrieds...I try to convey to them the importance of being "friends" not just married people. When we have "best friends" in our lives whether male or female we never wound them emotionally or physically. we enjoy being with them. We always look forward to doing things with them and talking for hours on the phone or in person. We would never think of hurting them but rather being a blessing to them. So, why do we treat the spouse of marriage different? To be married to your best friend would be the greatest thing on earth. How exciting to sleep with your "best friend". WE must talk to our wife or husband a great deal. communication is the most important aspect of any relationship. Women love to need to learn to "love" to listen to their wives. Wives are a gift from the LORD!!! They bless a man's life tremendously....God won't answer a man's prayers who mistreats his wife!!! Much I tell young couples......
    Дух один и тело одно так же, как и одна надежда, к которой вы были призваны.

    Один Господь, одна вера, одно крещение,
    6 один Бог и Отец всех. Он стоит надо всем и действует через всё и во всём.

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    Одуванчик (22 Mar 10)

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    Re: Interview with Wilyem

    Why do you call the Lord,-God?
    - Который час? - Лучшее время моей ЖИЗНИ-))!

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