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View Full Version : Chile miner resque follow online Следите за спасением чилийских шахтёров в прямом эфире Rettung von Kumpel im Chile online verfolgen

13 Oct 10, 18:40
Chile miner resque follow online Следите за спасением чилийских шахтёров в прямом эфире Rettung von Kumpel im Chile online verfolgen

27 Oct 10, 01:22
good resque

27 Oct 10, 18:20
Chile miner resque follow online Следите за спасением чилийских шахтёров в прямом эфире Rettung von Kumpel im Chile online verfolgen

I don't know if you can recieve PBS broadcast. PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM From U.S, BUT they had a complete documentary on last night probably see it online. It was real interesting. :yes:

27 Oct 10, 18:36
I found a video but it not avaiable outside US http://video.pbs.org/video/1621938528/

Actually last years I don't have time and often even mood to look the TVs, as of most of information is also available in Internet and oft earlier than in TV, but what is most important you decide by yourself, what you want to see.

I guess there must be some media library, where one can look, what PBS already broadcasted, I will check in youtube.

The real inspiration for Malevich's painting "Black Square" :rolleyes:

29 Oct 10, 03:15
I found a video but it not avaiable outside US http://video.pbs.org/video/1621938528/

Actually last years I don't have time and often even mood to look the TVs, as of most of information is also available in Internet and oft earlier than in TV, but what is most important you decide by yourself, what you want to see.

I guess there must be some media library, where one can look, what PBS already broadcasted, I will check in youtube.

The real inspiration for Malevich's painting "Black Square" :rolleyes:

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/hall-chile-au.html Maybe this link will help? :hm: