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View Full Version : Armenia Could latest threaties between Armenia and Turkey be legitim? Discussion

11 Sep 09, 21:16
In May 5 2003 I did statement after discussions with a guy from turkey under nickname Kakomeister.
In a topic called "The discussion about Genocide, what if Turks agree, Hope to see Turks here" (http://forum.hayastan.com/index.php?showtopic=1436)

The treaties before this day and this time on having anything about borders, territories and relations between the Turkey and Armenia, are not signed within bilateral interests of both nations/countries, some of them are of interests of Turkey signed by legitime turkic representatives, but not Armenian ones and others are of interests of Armenia as of being signed by legitime representatives of Armenia but this ones even Sevr treaty have no signatures of legal representatives of turks or Turkey

Now due to latest protocols signed between Armenian and Turkey diplomats, the question again becoming actual.

I am afraid, that having a signature of current Armenian Government under any new threaty will mean NOTHING for Armenians, as of they are not LEGITIMATED representatives of Armenia and moreover Armenians.