View Full Version : Рассмотрение вопроса признания Геноцида в Австралии

18 Nov 08, 16:42
20 октября в парламенте Австралии прошли слушания по вопросу признания Геноцида армян по инициативе Джо Хокки, сенатора и представителя армянской общины Австралии. Им же была подготовлена петиция к Австралийскому парламенту (подписать можно тут http://anc.org.au/epetition/view/5)

CANBERRA: On October 20th, Federal Member for North Sydney, the Hon. Joe Hockey spoke openly about the Armenian Genocide in the Federal Parliament of Australia, calling for recognition of this heinous crime.

In response to appeals by the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia), Hockey raised in Parliament the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's (ABC) recent use of the qualifier 'alleged' when making reference to the Armenian Genocide in a documentary entitled 'Family Footsteps - Armenia' broadcast in September.

Hockey stated: "In the dead of night on 24 April 1915, 250 Armenian political, religious, educational and intellectual leaders in Istanbul were arrested, deported to the interior of the country and murdered... which is now recognised as the beginning of an official attempt by the Turkish government to exterminate its Armenian population.

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18 Nov 08, 16:43
12 ноября:

CANBERRA: Following meetings with the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) in Canberra, Senator for Western Australia Chris Ellison called on the national Senate to formally recognise the Armenian Genocide.

In what is a major development, the Armenian Genocide has been discussed in both houses of Australia’s Parliament within three weeks. Senator Ellison’s remarks on 11 November follow the Hon. Joe Hockey’s on 20 October, when he called for the Australian House of Representatives to formally recognise the Armenian Genocide.

18 Nov 08, 16:46
Сейчас по инициативе Джо Хокки проводится сбор электронных подписей под петецией к Австралийскому парламенту с просьбой признания Геноцида.

Recently, at the urging of the Armenian National Committee of Australia, the Hon. Joe Hockey - Federal MP for North Sydney and Shadow Finance Minister - spoke candidly in the Australian House of Representatives about Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian Genocide.

By signing your name to this e-petition, you will add your voice to growing calls for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Government of Australia.

подписать петицию можно по адресу http://anc.org.au/epetition/view/5

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